Tuesday, April 8, 2008

didn't the titanic sink already?

suzanne: this post is dedicated to you.
just what is it about celine dion that cracks me up everytime i see her? maybe it's this billboard! need i say more?

on a serious note though, i commend her for this strategic move towards self-preservation. when her vegas show back home starts to run dry (if it hasn't already), she'll have a backup base of 1.3 BILLION unsuspecting fans. i mean, would mariah carey have lasted this long had it not been for asians? don't pretend you didn't have her CD!


Anonymous said...

Ahhh...JHSUN, you so funny, me laugh long time!! Honestly though, if you were truly a Celine fan you would know that her run in Vegas came to an astounding conclusion in December 2007 ;-) I guess by the looks of her rats-nest hairdo, her China tour has been rough on her. What are you guys doing to her over there?!? On a positive note, after visiting the website advertised on her billboard, I found out that the KENNY G CHINA TOUR 2008 is also over there. You are so lucky to be in China for such a momentous year!

Anonymous said...

Hey J - why don't you be back up singer for them. You might need a night gig while you're working on your day job!