Sunday, October 5, 2008

back to civility

just like how a child gets dragged out of a store kicking and screaming by his irritated mother, my return back to the land of tainted milk and underage female gymnasts wasn't an easy one, at least not mentally. the morning of my flight out of JFK, i was my own parent, dragging my ass to the airport, kicking and screaming on the inside, in reluctance of accepting what was waiting for me when i got there. yes, it was back to the 1.3 billion A-holes who sole mission in life is to cut in front of you.

so without disappointment, it only took one of those A-holes to say "welcome back!". as i waited patiently in line at the supermarket to pay for my stuff (only a couple of hours after i got off the plane), the aforementioned A-hole stealthily came from behind me and shoved his two items into the hands of the cashier. although it surely wasn't the first time this has happened to me, the fact that i've only had a few sporadic hours of sleep in my 20+ hours of air travel surely amplified my reaction. seriously, "did THAT just happen?!" i went up to the cashier and grabbed his two items from her hands and threw them behind mine. with no basis for argument, the A-hole went to the end of the line after i heard him murmur under his breath, "CAO!" (pronounced 'tsao') which in this case probably meant, "who the hell does this banana twinkie muthafucker think he is, comin' into my kuntry and tell ME i's gots to wait in line?! Nee-a-ga, i'll kung-fu yo sorry ass back to amerika!" nice to be back.


Anonymous said...

Good for you!!! I hate that! You know I would have done the same!

Anonymous said...

Hey you never told me this story!?! Ditto, good for you, although I would have added something to his murmur... this amerikan is gonna get the last word!

Anonymous said...

Ugh! I hate that, too! I totally remember how rude people were over there when it comes to queueing. I knew it was getting bad when I was getting boxed-out by little old Chinese women who came up to my belt!!

disiac said...

This is awesome. I just love how it worked! You take charge, my good man! Hmm... I wonder if it will work here or whether I'd just get my a** kicked by the little old chinese lady who also shoves me on the subway? They've all got the sharpest elbows.