Wednesday, August 20, 2008

kindergarten all over again...

some of you know that i am down south for a couple of weeks in hangzhou, my dad's hometown, conducting what I would call an "internship". it's kind of like a job, but without the responsibilities; a quasi-survey of the chinese architectural workplace if you will.

anyways i started working here a few days ago and i have to say, for all the sweatshop stories we hear from china, the setup in this office ain't all that bad. take today for example: come in at 9am. worked on some drawings until 11:24am, when the guy that i'm working with comes in and says, "let's go to lunch!". no complaints from me as we head to the restaurant downstairs and take an hour lunch before heading back to the office.

but here's the best part...everyone pulls out their blue plastic mats and takes an afternoon nap until 2:00PM! the dude i'm working with even has a special foldable lounger and a blanket he keeps behind the door for his afternoon snooze. i woke up today feeling refreshed, but even better knowing there was only 4 more hours left in the workday.

i promise if i ever go back to work in the states again, i am going to be campaigning for the midday nap! who's with me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehe, that's my favorite. When I worked at south beach, I drove back home and had a nap for 20 minutes.God bless i have a easy parking. So I can flew back quickly.