Tuesday, August 19, 2008

hold the pork please...

here's another reason why they call it mystery meat and why you should probably hold back from eating anything you can't recognize. damn, i wish i had my camera for this one.

last week, i was up at the project job site, about an hour and a half drive from the city. it's definitely what i would call BFE, (mind you, BFE in china is still large, its got well over 500,000 people). after the meeting at the local architect's office, it was time for lunch and we went to one of the "better" (relative term) restaurants in town.

the dishes started to arrive one by one, and so far everything looked ok. a few minutes later, the waitress brings in this platter that upon first glance, looked like a dish full of roast pork (seemingly harmless). WRONG! (record scratching) just when i was about to take a bite of it, one of the contractors asks me, "do you know what that is?" "sure, it's roast pork, ain't it?" he chuckled (as if to say, "you dumbass")...it's PIG SNOUT!

yup, as you figured, that piece went right back to the platter faster than you can say "SQUEEEAL LIKE UHH PIG!" but here's the best part, it was a platter full of pig parts, none of which was actual pork. in addition to the pig snout, there was sliced pig liver, pig ears, AND pig tongue. no thanks...not interested in anything that tastes or smells me back!


Anonymous said...

heehee....i remeber that red pig..it was next to MOMA!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard duck snout? scared?!