Sunday, March 30, 2008

the starbucks invasion

i will debut my long-awaited blog with a tribute to the epitome of american morning rituals...ah, yes the filling of the paper starbucks coffee cup.

think its hard to avoid a starbucks back in the states? there are no less than 3, yes i said 3, starbucks stores in a one block radius from my apartment building. two of them exist in the same shopping mall - granted its a really big shopping mall, so if you ever wanted to meet a friend there, good luck on using starbucks as a meeting spot. your friend will most likely be waiting at one of the other 8 stores in the same mall. (more on china's deep fascination with the excessively large mall coming soon...)

i will say though that if you ever want to feel like you're home by letting the words "i'd like a tall mocha latte with a double shot of expresso and whipped cream" roll off your tongue, you might want to go to your nearest McDonald's to order a "Big Mac" instead. getting the pleasure to order something in straight, unadulterated english at the local starbucks might prove to be a futile attempt. you will most likely get a blank (sometimes confused) stare as a tumbleweed blows by in the background. it's hit or miss on getting a starbucks "partner" (yes this is what they're referred as) to take and fully understand your order in english. you're better off pointing or just ordering an empty paper cup.

there is one good thing about having all these starbucks in's a great place to meet other americans. who else in the world would pay $6 for cup of joe?

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