Sunday, June 8, 2008

i've been turned on!

call off the search party, he's alive!
after a long and unanticipated break, it seems that the "ensors-cay" have unexpectedly unlocked my blog!

is it a full moon outside?
or a political softening of heart in the days running up to the olympics?
or maybe because hillary is finally off the presidential ballot?

who cares...i'm back! most of you have probably wondered if i've fallen off the face of the earth or just been putting overtime in the factory so all the poor szechuan kids could have some shoes on their feet in wake of the earthquake - which in all seriousness was a huge tragedy here. even though it was almost a month ago, i just wanted to express my appreciation to all who sent me emails of concern wondering if i was ok. well...i'm ok.

so i've been checking on a daily basis to see if my site was ever going to be resurrected - all i would get is an endlessly "loading" page which resulted in...absolutely nothing. but i'm not holding my breath. who knows how long my site will be accessible until they discover today's post (seriously, copy-clipping the head of the prez on a pair of tits? that is surely a punishable crime!)

anyhow it's great to be back (for the time being). to all those who have been checking on a regular basis (i guess that's really only me), i'm sorry for the long period of inactivity (it ain't my fault!)...more posts coming soon!


Anonymous said...

i check it too!! i guess that makes a total of 2 people ;)

dt_27 said...

And what is that handy switch for?